Ben Ashton

‘It has been fantastic being part of the Groucho’s permanent collection. When a collector is interested in my work, what better than taking them round the Groucho to see the work in the flesh. I have been known to take it down off the wall so as to better show the copper construction. If it weren’t my own face in the image, I’m sure I would have been seen out the door long ago.’

‘The club itself is a great place to meet other creative people. It seems like every time I “pop in for a drink”, I come home buzzing with a new collaborative project devised in the early hours of the morning after too many Manhattans. Strange things end up happening there.

‘My favourite memory is watching my wife, photographer Fiona Garden, sing karaoke with Rupert Grint — Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me. Her as George Michael and him as Elton John. As we awoke the next day in a fog, she turned to me and said, “I had a strange dream that I sung karaoke with Ron Weasley and he was really bad at it”.’