Media Society: Who Won General Election Night on TV?

12th Jun 2017

Monday 26 June, 7pm

Away from the ballot box, the next biggest battle of election night plays out on TV, with broadcasters battling for eyeballs on the night of June 8th.

This year all four major broadcasters are playing… Come and hear the election heads of the major broadcasters argue on presentation, timing, graphics and more.

Chair: Phil Harding, veteran of 11 TV General Election Campaigns for the BBC

The View from the Sofa: We’ll be welcoming four ‘informed viewers’, who will include some of the following:

Ray Snoddy OBE, Former Media Editor the Times

Richard Tait CBE, Former BBC Election Night Editor

John Mair, Former BBC Election Hub Producer

Sue Cameron, Writer, Journalist. former Newsnight & Channel 4 News presenter.

Peter Snow, Election Guru BBC & ITN (TBC)

The View from the Bridge: We’ll also be hearing from five senior executives from the main channels, including:

Alex Chandler, ITV Election Editor 2017

Cristina Nicolotti Squire, Director of Content, Sky News

Sam Woodhouse, BBC General Election Resuits Programme Editor