Whether you’re self-employed or work in a larger organisation we are all, like it or not, selling ourselves. Whether it’s a pitch, a presentation or even literally in a job interview how we come across effects the outcome.
In a special Groucho Club hour and half hour masterclass, personal brand and image expert Russell Amerasekera will explore what a personal brand is and how you create one. By examining how we perceive leadership in today’s world and deconstructing how the powerful and the leaders walk, talk, act and communicate this can be extrapolated into creating an impressive individual brand or a top performing team. It can help build a winning mentality and professional culture.
The session will be challenging, fast paced, intuitive and highly entertaining. Russell is a big character who lives his personal brand, and walks his talk! Russell coaches at CEO and board level, from blue chip brands including HSBC , Thomson Reuters , Tui and BT as well as entrepreneurs, celebrities and private individuals. Can you afford to ignore your personal brand.